- Book Topics
- Palindromes
- Humor
- Word Play
- Language & Linguistics
- Puns
- Illustrations
Do Geese See God?
This mysterious form of wordplay known as the palindrome – in which a group of word phrases and even sentences can be read both forwards and backwards has bewitched and beguiled readers and writers for centuries and, in fact, due to its mirrored, dualistic quality, was at one point considered to have magical powers. Now, in the hands of palindrome master William Irvine, combined with these witty and exquisitely drawn illustrations by Steven Guarnaccia, the result is a delightful mix of literary and absurdist humor. In the spirit of Edward Gorey, DO GEESE SEE GOD? will appeal to all lovers of wordplay, codes, puzzles, anagrams, crossword puzzles and linguistic brainteasers.
- Book Topics
- Palindromes
- Humor
- Word Play
- Language & Linguistics
- Puns
- Illustrations
Reviews and Comments
I hate this kind of thing. I’m jealous.
Yay!, Wow!, Ah ha! Oh, ho! Hey, yeh!, Yo boy!, Har-har! Rah-rah!, Hoorah! Har! Ooh! Ahem! It’s time. Ha!