All submissions to Schaffner Press must be in the English language and in the following categories:
Fiction: literary adult fiction, short fiction collection, historical with socially relevant content, crime fiction,
Non-fiction–memoir, autobiography, biography
Journalistic Expose or Narrative, True Crime,
Art, Culture, pop culture, World History, current events,
science, arts and letters, US history, military history
music, are some of the preferred categories.
Please no Children’s or Young Adult fiction or non-fiction. No science fiction, romance, or
Length: We will consider manuscripts between 60,000 – 100,000 words.
Please query first to before sending in material. We’re generally quick to reply
if it seems to be something of interest, at which point we’ll request a partial or full manuscript or proposal/
outline, Materials may be sent as e-files in Word or .pdf. Hard copies of manuscripts are accepted
if sent with correct SASE to:
POB 41567
Tucson, AZ 85717
Manuscripts without the appropriate return postage will not be returned.
Allow at least four to six weeks for a response.
Thank you!